For those who arent aware, ConcordTV recently unveiled its new van wrap, and new logo recently. Alongside that, a few months back, ConcordTV also showed off its new bulletin board system. With all these changes, we figured with a new look should come a new website to really kick off the new re-branding.
So with that being said, Welcome to the new Not only does it have a new coat of paint on it, it also is sporting some new features too!
- Purchase DVD’s and more online!
Its 2015. In the past, if you wanted the High School Graduation for yourself to preserve, you had to call us up, write a check, come to our station, and wait for us to have the DVD ready. However, now, that’s no longer the case. If you want a copy of something on DVD or the digital file only, you can do that all online, Including paying online via PayPal. Dont have paypal? Thats fine too, just place the order online, and we’ll let you know once the DVD is ready! Just bring your cash or check. - Channel Streaming (Coming soon)
This new site is optimized and ready to stream the three channels online. This feature will be coming soon, so stay tuned! - Built with producers in mind
If you’re a current producer, you can find a show directory and pages describing the best way to get your content to us. - Streamlined Page Navigation
A lot of pages have been consolidated to bring you an easier browsing experience. The old site worked fine in this regard, but as we grew, so did the need for additional pages. This new site has everything in mind and pages combined so you don’t have a huge list of pages to choose from. - Even More Mobile Friendly
The old site was “responsive”, meaning it would allow for a better layout on mobile devices. However, as we added new features to the old site, The responsive theme on it broke, Rendering it a pain to browse on mobile devices. This new site works great with your iPhone or Android phone in mind.
Now this site just went live October 8th, 2015. So bare with us as we iron out some of the kinks. But we’re hoping you’ll enjoy the new site! Please, if you have any feedback, let us know by email,