Granite State News Collaborative recently published an important story about why funding of community TV stations is at jeopardy. *note, we previously had mis-attributed the article so we apologize to the News Collaborative!* 

To summarize, ConcordTV and other community TV stations like ConcordTV are funded through Cable Franchise Fee revenues, which are dwindling and eventually won’t exist at all. The worst case scenario means that stations like ConcordTV may not exist in the not-too-distant future. 

So if you’ve gotten this far, you’re reading our website, you’re on this blog. Thank you. You might be wondering how you can help. Great question! 

HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT CONCORDTV (in no particular order)

1) Leave us 5-star reviews on Facebook and Google

2) Share ConcordTV videos and posts on social media- help us spread the word about who we are!

3) Email or write to your Concord City Councilor letting them know how much you value ConcordTV. To be clear, the City has been a valuable partner and they are not discussing cutting our funding. BUT, the more you talk us up the more it helps us down the road!

4) Help connect us with business sponsors – we can have underwriters and sponsors just like PBS and NPR do, but it means so much more to businesses to hear from you! Sponsorships can be as affordable as $500/yr and I’d be happy to send you more information on that.

5) Donate – I hate asking this especially during tough financial times but individual donations can go a long way!

6) Other funding – if you have ideas or leads on other possible revenue sources for ConcordTV please let me know! Even just sending me a link to a grant opportunity could be a big deal for us!

So there you have it – a somewhat gloomy disposition but ConcordTV has overcome obstacles before and we’ve built a resilient organization! I’d also be remiss in thanking the City of Concord and Concord School District for being amazing community partners through all of these long-term questions. 

–Josh Hardy
ConcordTV Executive Director